

Our Vision:

Connecting with our neighbors to live God's love.


Horizons is a community where we mature as disciples 
and lead all to Jesus for the transformation of the world 
from one generation to the next.


We are Guided by the Holy Spirit  

We’re anchored in scripture and prayer. As we strive to listen, the Holy Spirit empowers us to be more like Christ. Prayer is the heartbeat of everything we do, say, and believe.  


“Teach me to do what pleases you, because you are my God. Guide me by your good spirit into good land.” -Psalm 143:10 CEB  

We are Growing Together  

We connect as a multigenerational community through all phases of life. With love and truth, we support each other in our faith. We don’t have life figured out, we learn from each other, and that’s why we’re better together.   


“Instead, by speaking the truth with love, let’s grow in every way into Christ, who is the head. The whole body grows from him, as it is joined and held together by all the supporting ligaments. The body makes itself grow in that it builds itself up with love as each one does its part.” -Ephesians 4:15-16 CEB  

We are Impacting the World Around Us  

As Jesus teaches, we intentionally and boldly serve others to show God’s love. By doing justice and showing mercy, we humbly care for all people. God’s kingdom shines brighter when everyone shares their talents and spiritual gifts.  


“In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven.” -Matthew 5:16 CEB  

We have a Place for You at the Table  

We come from different backgrounds and varied perspectives. We’ve prepared a space where you are seen and heard; where you are known and belong. Everyone has a seat at God’s table.  


“My Father’s house has room to spare. If that weren’t the case, would I have told you that I’m going to prepare a place for you?” -John 14:2 CEB


Horizons began as a church plant by Steve Todd, who was asked to start a church in south Lincoln. As a result, Horizons first life group started meeting to envision what kind of church Horizons would be. This first life-group vision continues to inspire why Horizons believes so strongly in community and small groups.


Horizons continues to build ministry opportunities and mission outreach events to reach seekers and doubters. We are a church where people can come as they are, grow, and journey with others. 


We strive to become life-changed as we learn and grow our relationship with Jesus, striving to love like Him. Being His light for others by serving and giving of our time, talents, and treasures.


Mandy Barkhaus

Lead Pastor - Learn More

Pippa Miller

Office Manager

Karen Herrold

Adult Ministries Director

Derek Steinacher

Family Ministries Director

Ali Husted

Nursery & Toddler Coordinator

Liz Troyer

Preschool Coordinator

Elizabeth Gruntorad

Special Needs Coordinator

Trentell Gordon

Youth Ministries Director

McKenzi Gordon

Marketing and Communications Coordinator 

Brian Thomas

Worship Leader

Lauren Kasson

Worship Coordinator

Joe Kasson

Worship Productions Coordinator