Relationally Grounded

Week 1 - His greatest pleasure is always found in US

Horizons begins a new series this week, the first installment on our Relationship focus for the year. We start with Holy Ground, understanding that everything God is doing is happening on the foundation of relationship. Not only are relationships important, they are crucial. That’s why God designed us to need others. Discover why God made you the way He did!

Week 2 - Karate Kid and Relationships

Week two of “Holy Ground,” our focus moves from how God designed us to be relational to how relationship is the essential key to knowing and experiencing God Himself. Of all the ways God could have gathered His people and made His name known, God chose relationship with each of us as His primary way. Of all the things that are important in the Kingdom, relationship takes a top seat! Want to see God? Get to know Him first.

Week 3 - Prioritize community and relationships

In today's message, the main point was that God chooses His greatest, most impactful, and long-lasting work to be done through the BODY of believers over the individuals of faith. So, while it may be the trend right now to break away from those we don’t agree with, step aside from anything that might obligate us, or be a lone hero, smaller, in God’s world, simply won’t be better. My challenge to you this week—where do you need to prioritize community and relationships over our own destiny this week for God’s work?